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5 Tips for Navigating Pregnancy During the Holidays

Adjusting to pregnancy has its ups and downs, especially during the holiday season. Going through your pregnancy during the holidays serves as the final holiday before life as you know it is gone. Especially for first-time mothers, now more than ever is the time to make the holidays about you. Next year the celebrations will revolve around your newborn, so soak up the attention and relaxation while you can. 

Our Green Valley OB/GYN providers are a resource for women throughout their pregnancy. There are certain tips and tricks you’ll want to keep in mind to stay your healthiest and happiest self this holiday season. Here is our guide for navigating pregnancy during the holidays. 

Tips for Navigating Pregnancy During the Holidays

  1. Be aware of foods to avoid

Food is one of the best parts of holiday tradition, and for the most part, it is safe to indulge still while you’re pregnant. However, there are certain foods to be mindful of limiting or avoiding altogether. A good rule of thumb is to not stray from the pregnancy nutrition guidelines you’re already following. Most holiday foods you’ll want to steer clear of possibly contain a raw ingredient. For example, it’s best to avoid: 

  • Homemade eggnog
  • Homemade apple cider
  • Stuffing (if it was made inside the turkey)
  • Soft cheeses
  • Raw meat or raw seafood

Homemade, fresh recipes can be delicious, but they present a higher risk of bacteria if raw materials were used. Fortunately, there are many store-bought, CDC-approved alternatives to some of your usual homemade holiday favorites. 

  1. Ask for help

There’s no better excuse to ask for extra hands than being pregnant during the holidays. There is usually loads of work and preparation that goes into holiday festivities, such as shopping, gift wrapping, cooking, etc. Pregnancy can take up a lot of energy, so it’s natural to find the normal activity a bit more exhausting than usual. Opt for online shopping, or bring a friend to help carry shopping bags or stand in long lines for you. If you are typically the host for celebrations, this would be the year to ask for help or sit back and let another loved one play hostess. 

  1. Try a new mocktail recipe

Missing out on alcoholic beverages can be a sore subject for some mothers. However, let’s face it. The delicious aspect of the drink never comes from the taste of alcohol anyway. You can still indulge in non-alcoholic beverages that satisfy your cocktail cravings. These are some bump-approved holiday mocktails to try this season. 

  1. Plan ahead when traveling

Depending on where you are in your pregnancy, travel may not be an option for you. If you are over 36 weeks, most airlines do not allow domestic travel. It’s best to stay home during the third trimester or as the due date approaches. If you’re in the first or second trimester, make whatever decision is most comfortable for you. 

If traveling is inevitable, be sure to be prepared with your latest prenatal documents and your doctor’s contact information in case of emergency. Also, stay prepared by packing items that will keep you comfortable during travel and throughout your visit. 

  1. Document your last holiday before the baby

Most importantly, make sure you enjoy the holidays and get some relaxation time in. If this is your first pregnancy, this is the last holiday you’ll share with just you and your partner. Take family photos, hang an ornament with the ultrasound photo, and document the final traditions of just the two of you. Enjoy this special time with your loved ones before the new child arrives.

Get In Touch With Us

Going through a pregnancy during the holidays should not have to alter your plans or traditions too much. There are certain adjustments to make and food or drinks to avoid; however, for the most part, it can still be a time to enjoy and relax with your family. For further guidance on navigating pregnancy during the holidays, contact us at (336) 378- 1110.

4 Steps Toward Creating Your Ideal Birth Plan

With nine months to plan, it may seem easy to create your ideal birth plan. However, there are a variety of factors that you must consider that change in the blink of an eye. The most important part of a birth plan is being open to changing it. Once you have considered the extensive case scenarios, you can feel confident moving forward in your pregnancy.   

Steps Toward Your Ideal Birth Plan

Your ideal birth plan is only steps away. At Green Valley OB/GYN, we understand that it can be overwhelming to embrace how much things can change throughout your pregnancy. However, having a plan in place can make the process a whole lot less daunting. 

Create A Document Of Preferences and Considerations 

While there are various scenarios that can play out during delivery, your birthing plan can have your preferences for any of them. It may seem extensive but running through the possibilities gives your delivery team the knowledge to follow your exact wants. Otherwise, you would have to express opinions in an already stressful situation. Pre-planning saves you stress and makes it easy to keep control over the situation. 

The American Pregnancy Association explains that if you do not agree with a typical policy or procedure then this is something to discuss in the considerations of your plan. This usually looks like a first page of plans for an uncomplicated delivery, and a second page that includes the handling of complications. When both of these plans are complete, you are ready to answer questions that may arise during your delivery. 

Talk To Your Doctor 

As you are addressing the possibilities, it is useful to have your healthcare provider weigh in when necessary. Your obstetrician has seen many deliveries and can help answer questions that come up as you create your plan.

This may even look like scheduling a meeting to go over the completed birth plan. Here, the trained professional can provide insight and advice on the plan as a whole. This may also be a great opportunity to receive more resources as the delivery approaches. 

Embrace Change With Confidence 

Even with these decisions, your delivery may not look exactly like your birth plan. Going into it with confidence that you have addressed the idea that it may not go perfectly can make it a much calmer experience. 

You’ve covered all of the possibilities. Once you have accepted that, you can feel trust in your own plan and the doctors who are going through it with you.  Even if something was to happen that is not addressed on your birth plan, your doctor will be able to talk it through with you and help you make the best decision for your situation. 

Find Ways To Stay Positive 

Your pregnancy is such an exciting time! It can seem impossible to not work through scenarios in your head, but a comprehensive birth plan can subdue some of of those worries. After you have gotten your questions answered, you can embrace the rest of your pregnancy and go into the delivery process excited about your new baby. 

Your ideal birth plan is not out of reach. With these four steps, you can have the plan complete, while also looking at the delivery in a positive mindset. Planning ahead can make a difference for you and your doctors. Are you looking for advice on your current birth plan, or the one you are about to begin? The doctors at Green Valley OB/GYN are here to guide you through the process to figure out what is best for you. Check out our website or give us a call at (336) 378-1110 for more information.

5 Things You Need to Know About Epidurals

As if there was not enough to learn about pregnancy already, add epidurals to the list. We’ve all heard about the device used to relieve pain during pregnancy but rarely do patients understand what an epidural is before pregnancy. That is why we are here to tell you the basics and things to know about epidurals before you experience one.  

Learning About Epidurals

At Green Valley OB/GYN, we are here to set our patients up for success through their pregnancy journey. Learning about epidurals is a very useful part of that. Here, we have broken it down into five main topics that get your most essential questions answered. 

What Is An Epidural? 

An epidural is a method of pain relief and control often used in the case of the delivery of a baby. What people often do not know is that it is also used for other types of surgery or injuries such as a broken rib to control the pain. 

It is very common for women during delivery as a great way to relieve pain during the experience. However, it is not required and is completely dependent on the patient’s choices and plan for their birthing experience.  

How Does The Administrative Tube Get Put In? 

When an epidural is used, it is administered by inserting a small tube called a catheter into the patient’s back. This is done in a few steps that make it easy to get access to pain relief. First, the spot of insertion is cleaned. Then the medical professional will numb your back with medicine in a small needle. This is often the most painful part of the process. Then, a needle places the tube into your back. Finally, the needle that secured the tube is removed. The tube is connected to more tubing taped to your back. From there, the extra tubing is connected to the machine that holds the medicine providing pain relief through the tube. 

How Long Does The Tube Stay In? 

According to the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, this tube remains in your back until the pain is under control. When it comes to pregnancy, the tube stays in until the baby has been delivered. When there is no longer pain to control, the tube is no longer necessary. 

What Is The Removal Process?

The tube will be removed by a medical professional on your team from the pregnancy process. This is not often painful. Once it is removed, the skin where the tube was inserted is left open to receive air. It is very easy to remove the tube, and this is done in a way that prevents damage or unnecessary side effects. 

Are There Side Effects? 

According to the Cleveland Clinic, it will take 20 to 30 minutes for pain relief and the loss of feeling in the limbs to wear off. There are often cases of low blood pressure that cause patients to feel light-headed. Along with this sometimes people can have hot flashes or rashes. Some of the more severe side effects are rare. Sometimes people experience infection from the epidural, bleeding, and in very rare cases, spinal fluid leakage.  

If you choose to have an epidural during your delivery, it is useful to have an understanding of it beforehand. These five questions give you the opportunity to learn and educate yourself before ever encountering the epidural. Are you in the third trimester and looking for more answers about epidurals? Our doctors at Green Valley OB/GYN are here to help. Check out our website or give us a call at (336) 378-1110 for more information. 

6 Instagram Accounts for New Moms to Follow

Becoming a mom is overwhelming. Information is coming from all directions. However, other people can be helpful, especially when it comes to social media. Instagram accounts for new moms have become an easy way to share personal experiences and advice.

Helpful Instagram Accounts For New Moms

At Green Valley OB/GYN, we are dedicated to ensuring you have the proper resources to feel comfortable as you become a new mother. These six Instagram accounts for new moms are great ways to find information about various aspects of motherhood. 

Healthiest Baby @healthiest_baby

Healthiest Baby is an Instagram account run by a pediatrician and mother, Dr. Cathryn. On this account, she provides strategies and insight to dealing with situations parents face. From graphics titled “Baby Assumptions That Get Us In Trouble” to “Don’t Sneak Out (Of The Nursery)”, they are paired with a comprehensive caption to leave nothing up for confusion. The presentation of the graphics makes them something fun for moms to find in their feed! 

Tiny Hearts Education @tinyheartseducation

Tiny Hearts Education is one of the Instagram accounts for new moms that is run by two sisters who are also mothers. Here, they are focused on the health and safety of your child. Each post is centered around a safety consideration or fact you may not have realized. They detail situations like hair tourniquets that cut off the blood flow of whatever it is wrapped around on a baby, such as a toe. Along with many others of those, the account provides first aid and birth courses, along with products such as medicine trackers. 

Hey Sleepy Baby @heysleepybaby

On Hey Sleepy Baby, Rachel, a sleep specialist, aims to give parents insight and aid on babys’ sleep. There are various sleep progressions to check out along with tips and tricks to help you get a baby to sleep soundly. While most of the posts are centered around sleep, there are also posts regarding the safety of crib height and sleeping positions that are important for the baby’s safety. Instagram accounts for new moms relate to many different topics.

Safe In The Seat @safeintheseat

One of the Instagram accounts for new moms is Safe In The Seat is run by a mother named Michelle. The goal of this account is to promote car seat safety for children. There are different types of posts from “WTF: What’s the feature” to FAQs regarding various aspects of car seats. The account is not limited in age, and it provides progressions as a child ages for you to follow. There are tips provided that you may have never considered and give it in a kind and creative way. 

Mommy Labor Nurse @mommy.labornurse

For new moms who have not gone through childbirth before, this account is a way to learn without being bogged down by words. The account is run by a mother who is also a labor nurse and has seen countless births. She provides tips and explanations to basically every part of the birth process. While still intimidating, she does it in a way that decreases the fear and makes you even more knowledgeable before ever having to give birth. 

Taking Cara Babies @takingcarababies

Taking Cara Babies is an account run by a woman with many roles. She is a mother of four, a baby sleep expert, a neonatal nurse, and a wife to a pediatrician. Here, she answers questions and provides information on almost every aspect of having a baby. Not only does the information center on babies, but also on their development and progression. Whatever worries you have are covered, from diapers to a baby meeting dogs. 

As a new mother, the resources are everywhere and there for the taking. It can seem overwhelming to decide what to look at. With these Instagram accounts for new moms, there is a feeling of creativity and community that can be a great way to become more comfortable over time. Do you have questions about finding more resources for new moms? Find even more information through our website or give us a call at (336) 378-1110.