With nine months to plan, it may seem easy to create your ideal birth plan. However, there are a variety of factors that you must consider that change in the blink of an eye. The most important part of a birth plan is being open to changing it. Once you have considered the extensive case scenarios, you can feel confident moving forward in your pregnancy.
Steps Toward Your Ideal Birth Plan
Your ideal birth plan is only steps away. At Green Valley OB/GYN, we understand that it can be overwhelming to embrace how much things can change throughout your pregnancy. However, having a plan in place can make the process a whole lot less daunting.
Create A Document Of Preferences and Considerations
While there are various scenarios that can play out during delivery, your birthing plan can have your preferences for any of them. It may seem extensive but running through the possibilities gives your delivery team the knowledge to follow your exact wants. Otherwise, you would have to express opinions in an already stressful situation. Pre-planning saves you stress and makes it easy to keep control over the situation.
The American Pregnancy Association explains that if you do not agree with a typical policy or procedure then this is something to discuss in the considerations of your plan. This usually looks like a first page of plans for an uncomplicated delivery, and a second page that includes the handling of complications. When both of these plans are complete, you are ready to answer questions that may arise during your delivery.
Talk To Your Doctor
As you are addressing the possibilities, it is useful to have your healthcare provider weigh in when necessary. Your obstetrician has seen many deliveries and can help answer questions that come up as you create your plan.
This may even look like scheduling a meeting to go over the completed birth plan. Here, the trained professional can provide insight and advice on the plan as a whole. This may also be a great opportunity to receive more resources as the delivery approaches.
Embrace Change With Confidence
Even with these decisions, your delivery may not look exactly like your birth plan. Going into it with confidence that you have addressed the idea that it may not go perfectly can make it a much calmer experience.
You’ve covered all of the possibilities. Once you have accepted that, you can feel trust in your own plan and the doctors who are going through it with you. Even if something was to happen that is not addressed on your birth plan, your doctor will be able to talk it through with you and help you make the best decision for your situation.
Find Ways To Stay Positive
Your pregnancy is such an exciting time! It can seem impossible to not work through scenarios in your head, but a comprehensive birth plan can subdue some of of those worries. After you have gotten your questions answered, you can embrace the rest of your pregnancy and go into the delivery process excited about your new baby.
Your ideal birth plan is not out of reach. With these four steps, you can have the plan complete, while also looking at the delivery in a positive mindset. Planning ahead can make a difference for you and your doctors. Are you looking for advice on your current birth plan, or the one you are about to begin? The doctors at Green Valley OB/GYN are here to guide you through the process to figure out what is best for you. Check out our website or give us a call at (336) 378-1110 for more information.