Women seeking birth control is not always for family planning purposes. There are many noncontraceptive benefits of birth control, specifically with oral contraceptive pills. You may be surprised to hear some of the health benefits birth control can have on females aside from the reduced risk of pregnancy. Keep reading to see if birth control pills could be a remedy for a female health issue you’re facing.

Other Benefits of Birth Control

At Green Valley OB/GYN, birth control and contraception counseling is one of our primary gynecological services. Not all forms of birth control will be suitable for every person, especially if your reasoning for inquiring about medication is unrelated to contraception. If you’re contemplating oral contraceptive pills, struggling with your menstrual period, or dealing with hormonal acne, learn more about the non-contraceptive benefits of birth control pills.

  1. Regulate irregular periods.

During a regular menstrual cycle, a female’s uterus sheds its lining due to the ovaries’ hormones, estrogen and progesterone. Women with an irregular period have a longer menstrual cycle and tend to bleed heavier for an extended period due to a lack of progesterone.

Progesterone prevents the uterine lining from growing too much; therefore, without normal levels of this hormone, the uterine lining can grow excessively and result in irregular menstrual cycles. Contraception pills contain a synthetic form of progesterone, which can help get your period back to a regular flow and schedule.

  1. Treat heavy periods.

The synthetic progesterone in birth control pills also can cause the lining of the uterus to be thinner, resulting in lighter bleeding during a menstrual cycle. There are some forms of birth control pills where women experience little to no bleeding at all. Although they may not be sexually active, birth control pills are a viable option for teenage girls experiencing heavy bleeding each month. Or, if you are sexually active and want the added benefit of reduced bleeding during your period, consult with your physician to find the proper form of birth control pills for you.

  1. Alleviate menstrual cramps.

Menstrual cramps and PMS (premenstrual syndrome) are two of the worst side effects of having a period. Birth control pills can help alleviate both of these symptoms. With estrogen and progesterone-like hormones making your period lighter and preventing ovulation, it will also lighten your cramps.

PMS is usually a sign of unbalanced hormones; therefore, taking birth control pills can help even out hormone levels and ease symptoms such as mood swings, breast soreness, bloating, etc.

  1. Treat endometriosis. 

Endometriosis is when tissue similar to the tissue that lines the woman’s uterus grows outside of the uterus. Women with this condition tend to have a more painful period because when the tissue outside the uterus begins to shed and bleed, it can become swollen and inflamed. The benefit of birth control for endometriosis is a reduction in pain due to the synthetic progesterone regulating the growth of the uterine lining.

  1. Treat acne.

Teenagers are the leading candidates who utilize birth control pills for acne treatment. It’s no secret that acne can be very hormonal-based. Contraceptive pills containing estrogen and progesterone have been proven to be most effective in clearing acne. These hormones work together to lower the amount of androgens in your body. If your body produces a high level of androgens, it produces excess sebum or oil, resulting in acne. Not all birth control pills contain both synthetic hormone forms, so be sure to consult your OB/GYN to find the best-suited medication for you.

Get In Touch With Us

Deciding to go on birth control does not have to be strictly based on preventing pregnancy. As you can see, there are numerous benefits of birth control non-related to contraception. If you believe you are a candidate for birth control pills based on your menstrual cycle or hormonal acne, contact us at (336)378-1110 to meet with one of our physicians.

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Feel free to contact us anytime for questions, support, or assistance. We're here to help you with any inquiries you have.

  • Address: 719 Green Valley Road, Suite 201
    Greensboro, NC 27408
  • Call Us: (336) 378-1110
  • Working hours:

    Monday through Friday
    8:00AM to 5:00PM

    Emergency Services:
    24 hours / 7 Days a week

  • Fax:

    (336) 378-9986

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