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Harvesting Joy: 7 Fertility-Friendly Foods to Incorporate During the Holidays

As the crisp autumn air settles in and leaves turn colors, families start to gather around tables covered with delectable dishes to celebrate the first of the holiday season. If you and your partner are trying to conceive this time of year, choose fertility-friendly foods that satisfy the taste buds while simultaneously nourishing the body. When selecting your holiday menu, you may be surprised to learn that many traditional holiday foods already pose a strong benefit to women’s health. To learn more, keep reading about which holiday foods help boost fertility.

Fertility-Friendly Foods for the Holidays

1. Berries: Nature’s Sweet Elixirs

The holiday season often includes an abundance of desserts, and what better way to indulge than with berries? Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber, berries contribute to a healthy reproductive system by combating oxidative stress. Whether you’re serving a winter fruit salad or baking a sweet treat, berries add a burst of flavor and fertility-friendly nutrients. However, be mindful of unwanted added sugar when purchasing canned fruits or pre-made desserts. 

2. Pumpkin Power

No Thanksgiving is complete without the presence of pumpkin. Beyond its association with pies and lattes, pumpkin is a nutritional powerhouse. Packed with vitamins A and C, as well as zinc, it supports reproductive health. Additionally, pumpkin seeds are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to enhance fertility in both men and women.

3. Turkey Triumph

The centerpiece of Thanksgiving, turkey, deserves applause for more than its succulent taste. Rich in lean protein and zinc, turkey can play a vital role in supporting reproductive functions for men and women. Zinc, in particular, is crucial for sperm production in men and aids in regulating menstrual cycles in women.

4. Nutrient-Rich Nuts

Almonds, walnuts, and chia seeds are rich in healthy fats, protein, and micronutrients. These fertility-friendly foods provide a satisfying crunch to salads, desserts, or as standalone snacks during holiday gatherings. The balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in nuts and seeds supports reproductive health and hormone production.

5. Sweet Potatoes

The vibrant orange hue of sweet potatoes signifies the presence of beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A known for promoting healthy fetal development. Additionally, sweet potatoes are rich in fiber, aiding in digestion and hormonal balance. Incorporating roasted sweet potatoes into your holiday feast not only adds a burst of flavor but also contributes to your fertility wellness.

6. Dark Leafy Greens

Spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are packed with essential nutrients such as folate, iron, and vitamin K. Folate is particularly important for preventing neural tube defects in early pregnancy. Create a nutrient-dense salad or incorporate these greens into holiday dishes to elevate the nutritional content of your meals.

7. Cinnamon Spice and Everything Nice

Cinnamon, a beloved spice during the holiday season, not only adds warmth to dishes but may also have fertility-boosting properties. Some studies suggest that cinnamon may help improve menstrual regularity and increase the likelihood of conception.

Speak with A Gynecologist

While embracing fertility-friendly foods, it’s important to maintain a balanced approach. Overindulgence in rich or sugary treats can disrupt hormonal balance and potentially impact fertility. Moderation is the key to enjoying the holiday feast while prioritizing reproductive health.

As you gather with loved ones this holiday season, consider incorporating these fertility-friendly foods into your celebratory meals. By embracing a diverse and nutrient-rich diet, you not only satisfy your taste buds but also nurture your body, potentially sowing the seeds for a joyous and fruitful journey toward parenthood. To learn more about fertility-friendly foods, consult one of our providers at Green Valley OB/GYN

5 Tips for Navigating Pregnancy During the Holidays

Adjusting to pregnancy has its ups and downs, especially during the holiday season. Going through your pregnancy during the holidays serves as the final holiday before life as you know it is gone. Especially for first-time mothers, now more than ever is the time to make the holidays about you. Next year the celebrations will revolve around your newborn, so soak up the attention and relaxation while you can. 

Our Green Valley OB/GYN providers are a resource for women throughout their pregnancy. There are certain tips and tricks you’ll want to keep in mind to stay your healthiest and happiest self this holiday season. Here is our guide for navigating pregnancy during the holidays. 

Tips for Navigating Pregnancy During the Holidays

  1. Be aware of foods to avoid

Food is one of the best parts of holiday tradition, and for the most part, it is safe to indulge still while you’re pregnant. However, there are certain foods to be mindful of limiting or avoiding altogether. A good rule of thumb is to not stray from the pregnancy nutrition guidelines you’re already following. Most holiday foods you’ll want to steer clear of possibly contain a raw ingredient. For example, it’s best to avoid: 

  • Homemade eggnog
  • Homemade apple cider
  • Stuffing (if it was made inside the turkey)
  • Soft cheeses
  • Raw meat or raw seafood

Homemade, fresh recipes can be delicious, but they present a higher risk of bacteria if raw materials were used. Fortunately, there are many store-bought, CDC-approved alternatives to some of your usual homemade holiday favorites. 

  1. Ask for help

There’s no better excuse to ask for extra hands than being pregnant during the holidays. There is usually loads of work and preparation that goes into holiday festivities, such as shopping, gift wrapping, cooking, etc. Pregnancy can take up a lot of energy, so it’s natural to find the normal activity a bit more exhausting than usual. Opt for online shopping, or bring a friend to help carry shopping bags or stand in long lines for you. If you are typically the host for celebrations, this would be the year to ask for help or sit back and let another loved one play hostess. 

  1. Try a new mocktail recipe

Missing out on alcoholic beverages can be a sore subject for some mothers. However, let’s face it. The delicious aspect of the drink never comes from the taste of alcohol anyway. You can still indulge in non-alcoholic beverages that satisfy your cocktail cravings. These are some bump-approved holiday mocktails to try this season. 

  1. Plan ahead when traveling

Depending on where you are in your pregnancy, travel may not be an option for you. If you are over 36 weeks, most airlines do not allow domestic travel. It’s best to stay home during the third trimester or as the due date approaches. If you’re in the first or second trimester, make whatever decision is most comfortable for you. 

If traveling is inevitable, be sure to be prepared with your latest prenatal documents and your doctor’s contact information in case of emergency. Also, stay prepared by packing items that will keep you comfortable during travel and throughout your visit. 

  1. Document your last holiday before the baby

Most importantly, make sure you enjoy the holidays and get some relaxation time in. If this is your first pregnancy, this is the last holiday you’ll share with just you and your partner. Take family photos, hang an ornament with the ultrasound photo, and document the final traditions of just the two of you. Enjoy this special time with your loved ones before the new child arrives.

Get In Touch With Us

Going through a pregnancy during the holidays should not have to alter your plans or traditions too much. There are certain adjustments to make and food or drinks to avoid; however, for the most part, it can still be a time to enjoy and relax with your family. For further guidance on navigating pregnancy during the holidays, contact us at (336) 378- 1110.

Debunking 6 Myths About Pregnancy

We’ve all encountered myths about pregnancy that seem like they must be true. From the morning sickness not only being in the morning to a variety of other truths, you never know what you’re going to hear. Just because you hear something often, does not mean it is the truth. Your pregnancy is a time to trust the experts so that you can go into it feeling confident and correct. 

Top Myths About Pregnancy, Debunked 

You are already feeling enough stress and anxiety going into a pregnancy. You do not need to add on trying to figure out if something is true about your pregnancy or not. At Green Valley OB/GYN, we are here to debunk the myths about pregnancy, so you do not have to worry about it. 

Myth 1: There are ways to tell the gender of the baby, separate from the ultrasound. 

People often believe that there are wive’s tales that give you the chance to confirm the gender of your baby before the ultrasound can even determine it. These ideas present themselves in a variety of ways. Pregnancy Birth & Baby describes the position that the baby is in in the womb, how active the baby is in the womb, and even the direction a ring moves if you hold it over the mother’s uterus, all as myths people have created about this idea.

The truth is, not even an ultrasound is 100% effective at telling the gender of your baby. Some people make it a complete surprise and simply wait until the birth to find out the baby’s gender. Often, myths about pregnancy come from stories people have heard over time.

Myth 2: Morning sickness only occurs in the morning.

Now, this is one of the myths about pregnancy that we wish was true. Morning sickness, by the name, would seem to anyone to be a sickness derived from pregnancy that only occurs in the early hours of the day. However, women who are pregnant can experience nausea anytime during the day throughout pregnancy. As each pregnancy is unique, some may simply experience it in the morning, but that is not always and rarely the case. 

Myth 3: You have to eat for two people.  

Now, this is one of the important myths about pregnancy to keep in mind for your health and diet. When pregnant, you may think that it is necessary to eat for two people to bring enough nutrients in for your and a growing baby. However, during the first two trimesters of pregnancy, your baby is able to grow based on the nutrient-dense diet you provide to yourself.

Only in the third trimester do you have to increase your calorie intake more substantially, but even then it is not an entire other human’s worth of food. Your diet is a great thing to discuss with your doctor, especially if you have questions about what is best to eat for your baby’s growth and development. 

Myth 4: Weird cravings will definitely happen. 

You may have heard from pregnant friends or relatives that they had a sudden and unexpected craving during their pregnancy. This may or may not happen, but it is not something you have to fully expect. Similarly to diet, there does not have to be dramatic changes just because you are pregnant. Sure you may find yourself wanting a specific sweet treat or something salty, but you do not have to expect out-of-the-blue combinations to suddenly pop into your head. 

Myth 5: You should avoid cats when pregnant. 

You may have never expected myths about pregnancy to include your household pet. According to The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, there is no reason to worry about your cat being present during your pregnancy. One thing to understand is that cat feces can contain the infection toxoplasmosis.

However, this is usually found in cats that spend a lot of time outside hunting. Realistically, the only thing a pregnant woman needs to avoid is the cleaning of the litter box. That is the best way to stay away from cat feces. 

Myths about pregnancy can seem normal enough that people will always believe them. However, getting the correct information from a medical professional or other reliable sources can keep you from worrying about unnecessary things. We know there is tons of information available online and sorting through it can be a huge task of its own. Do you have questions about other pregnancy myths you have heard? Our doctors at Green Valley OB/GYN are here to answer them and provide any necessary resources you may need. Check out our website or give us a call at (336) 378-1110. 

Anxiety Disorders in Women: What You Need to Know

Anxiety disorders in women are important subjects to understand. Anxiety is one of the most common mental illnesses that women face in the current age. The Office of Women’s Health defines anxiety disorders as when excessive anxiety interferes with your everyday activities such as going to work or school or spending time with friends and family. The first step in treating anxiety in yourself or those close to you is understanding it. 

Understanding Major Anxiety Disorders In Women 

Anxiety disorders can present themselves in various ways and diagnoses. Your form of anxiety disorder could look entirely different from someone else’s. It is important to see how different these illnesses can be from person to person. At Green Valley OB/GYN, we are here for your medical needs and are dedicated to finding the solution for your health concerns. 

Symptoms Of Anxiety Disorders In Women 

The Anxiety & Depression Association of America defines a specific list of symptoms of anxiety disorders in women: 

  • Feeling nervous, irritable, or on edge
  • Having a sense of impending danger, panic, or doom
  • Having an increased heart rate 
  • Breathing rapidly
  • Feeling weak or tired
  • Difficulty concentrating 
  • Having trouble sleeping
  • Gastrointestinal problems

Types Of Anxiety Disorders

There are many types of anxiety disorders in women. No woman’s struggle looks exactly the same as another’s, so it is important to understand the multiple types to see what fits best in defining the anxiety in your own life. Below are four different major types of anxiety disorders that many women face during their lifetime. 

Generalized Anxiety Disorders 

The Mayo Clinic defines generalized anxiety disorders as including persistent and excessive anxiety and worries about activities or events – even ordinary, routine issues. Often with generalized anxiety disorders, the feeling of worry is disproportionate to the event or situation. This specific type of anxiety is often paired with other types and frequently associated with depression as well. Anxiety disorders in women often look similar to those in men but are caused by a variety of different objects or situations.   

Panic Disorder

For panic disorders, there are repeated episodes of very sudden feelings of intense panic or fear. This can be paired with symptoms of feeling like something bad is about to happen for no reason, shortness of breath, and often increased heart rate. One of the main components of panic disorders is feeling a sense of panic of them happening again after the first one occurs. Panic attacks themselves can cause the person to feel even more anxious and can contribute further to the feelings created by the panic disorder.  

Social Phobia 

Otherwise known as social anxiety disorder, social phobia is centered around social settings and the feeling of anxiety at these events. This often stems from the worry of being judged or doing something that embarrasses oneself in a public setting. This feeling can be amplified in the presence of people you are less familiar with or are meeting for the first time. 

Specific Phobia 

As it sounds, specific phobia is a feeling of anxiety or panic that is paired with a specific object or event. It is related to the feeling of you trying to avoid this object or situation, even when that is not an option. If the anxiety grows to the point of intense panic, the person struggling with the anxiety disorder could have a panic attack. A few examples of specific phobias are anxiety about flying on an airplane, enclosed spaces, thunderstorms, and even in some cases, animals such as cats or dogs.  

Anxiety disorders in women can cause them to feel overwhelmed and unable to figure out a solution. Understanding it can help you in finding the best way to work through it, one step at a time. Whether you are diagnosed with one, or multiple, of these types, there are methods to discuss with your doctor about getting help. Are you struggling with what you think might be an anxiety disorder? Talk to your doctor at Green Valley OB/GYN. We are here to help guide you through your health journey, however that may look. Check out our website or give us a call at (336) 378-1110. 

6 Instagram Accounts for New Moms to Follow

Becoming a mom is overwhelming. Information is coming from all directions. However, other people can be helpful, especially when it comes to social media. Instagram accounts for new moms have become an easy way to share personal experiences and advice.

Helpful Instagram Accounts For New Moms

At Green Valley OB/GYN, we are dedicated to ensuring you have the proper resources to feel comfortable as you become a new mother. These six Instagram accounts for new moms are great ways to find information about various aspects of motherhood. 

Healthiest Baby @healthiest_baby

Healthiest Baby is an Instagram account run by a pediatrician and mother, Dr. Cathryn. On this account, she provides strategies and insight to dealing with situations parents face. From graphics titled “Baby Assumptions That Get Us In Trouble” to “Don’t Sneak Out (Of The Nursery)”, they are paired with a comprehensive caption to leave nothing up for confusion. The presentation of the graphics makes them something fun for moms to find in their feed! 

Tiny Hearts Education @tinyheartseducation

Tiny Hearts Education is one of the Instagram accounts for new moms that is run by two sisters who are also mothers. Here, they are focused on the health and safety of your child. Each post is centered around a safety consideration or fact you may not have realized. They detail situations like hair tourniquets that cut off the blood flow of whatever it is wrapped around on a baby, such as a toe. Along with many others of those, the account provides first aid and birth courses, along with products such as medicine trackers. 

Hey Sleepy Baby @heysleepybaby

On Hey Sleepy Baby, Rachel, a sleep specialist, aims to give parents insight and aid on babys’ sleep. There are various sleep progressions to check out along with tips and tricks to help you get a baby to sleep soundly. While most of the posts are centered around sleep, there are also posts regarding the safety of crib height and sleeping positions that are important for the baby’s safety. Instagram accounts for new moms relate to many different topics.

Safe In The Seat @safeintheseat

One of the Instagram accounts for new moms is Safe In The Seat is run by a mother named Michelle. The goal of this account is to promote car seat safety for children. There are different types of posts from “WTF: What’s the feature” to FAQs regarding various aspects of car seats. The account is not limited in age, and it provides progressions as a child ages for you to follow. There are tips provided that you may have never considered and give it in a kind and creative way. 

Mommy Labor Nurse @mommy.labornurse

For new moms who have not gone through childbirth before, this account is a way to learn without being bogged down by words. The account is run by a mother who is also a labor nurse and has seen countless births. She provides tips and explanations to basically every part of the birth process. While still intimidating, she does it in a way that decreases the fear and makes you even more knowledgeable before ever having to give birth. 

Taking Cara Babies @takingcarababies

Taking Cara Babies is an account run by a woman with many roles. She is a mother of four, a baby sleep expert, a neonatal nurse, and a wife to a pediatrician. Here, she answers questions and provides information on almost every aspect of having a baby. Not only does the information center on babies, but also on their development and progression. Whatever worries you have are covered, from diapers to a baby meeting dogs. 

As a new mother, the resources are everywhere and there for the taking. It can seem overwhelming to decide what to look at. With these Instagram accounts for new moms, there is a feeling of creativity and community that can be a great way to become more comfortable over time. Do you have questions about finding more resources for new moms? Find even more information through our website or give us a call at (336) 378-1110.

7 Self-Care Practices for Overall Wellness

It can be hard to make sure you are taking care of your overall wellness on a day-to-day basis. However, incorporating self-care practices into your life can make all the difference. Self-care does not have a straightforward look. It is for the mental, physical, and emotional health of one’s life. 

Self-Care Practices To Incorporate Into Your Life

Self-care practices can look like a variety of different things. At Green Valley OB/GYN, we are dedicated to your health all of the time, not just when you walk in our doors. These eight self-care practices can make all of the difference for your health.   

Emphasize getting sleep. 

The amount of sleep you get in a day is so significant. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute explains that the way you feel during the day directly connects to how you sleep. Your sleep is used to promote healthy brain function and maintain one’s physical health. 

Finding ways to get more sleep can often be a challenge. Trying to go to bed even 30 minutes earlier than usual could be game-changing for your day. 

Find ways to get active during the day. 

Your body needs movement to rid itself of excess energy during the day. There are many ways to get active during the day. This could look like your favorite form of exercise or even walking your dog. Any steps you take towards an active day are an act of self-care. Self-care practices are often some of the activities you already enjoy.  

Learn how to say no if you do not have the capacity. 

Different plans and expectations are thrown at us every day. One of the best choices you could make for yourself is learning to say no when you cannot do something. Everyone leads busy lives, so you do not need to say yes to everyone’s requests. 

Focus on gut health and eating right. 

What is entering your body has a direct impact on how you feel. Maintaining a healthy diet and a healthy gut makes all of the difference. Johns Hopkins Medicine lays out five ways to reach a healthy gut. 

  • Eat the right foods 
  • Get more sleep
  • Move more 
  • Manage stress 
  • Get help for issues like anxiety and depression 

As you see, the steps for reaching a healthy gut fall directly in line with self-care practices. After implementing those, you can see the change for yourself. 

Find time for the hobbies and activities you enjoy. 

Participating in the activities you love is essential. While every day can seem to be full of responsibility, find the time to incorporate the fun stuff. No one can act on only responsibility all of the time. Your hobbies are essential to maintain. The creativity you find in these can positively impact the work you do in all other aspects of life. Picking up a book or even coloring in a coloring book can take you out of the mental struggles of daily life and direct your attention to something else, even if it is more of a limited time. 

Spend time with loved ones. 

Realizing that you are not alone can play a significant role in self-care practices. Finding time to spend with friends and family is a perfect way to step out of the chaos of daily life. Make sure you spend time with those who make the time feel like a break, not another heavy task.

When spending time with loved ones, you have the opportunity to decompress. Share how you feel and give them a chance to play a role in your daily life. Opening up to your loved ones can make you feel much better.  

Discover new ways to relax and unwind. 

We’ve all seen the definitions of self-care that involve trips to the spa and face masks. While these are not the only methods, they still do the job of allowing you to relax and unwind. Sometimes even taking a bath at the end of the day is the perfect way to find peace. The key is to understand that your preferred ways are unique to you. 

Self-care practices are essential for everyone. Finding the perfect methods for you can be as simple as reading through this list. Do you have questions about mental, emotional, or physical health struggles? Contact us through our website or give us a call at (336) 378-1110.  

Women and Heart Disease: What You Need to Know

February is American Heart Month and with that comes knowing more about your heart health. Women and heart disease have a long-standing history. Heart disease is the most dangerous illness that women can face. That being said, knowing the basics of the disease can help women become familiar with how to prevent it.    

The Basics of Women and Heart Disease 

The following questions provide a basic understanding of what everyone should know about women and heart disease. At Green Valley OB/GYN, we are dedicated to providing information for all aspects of a woman’s health and wellbeing.  

How are women affected by heart disease? 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention details the relationship between women and heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States. It is about 1 in every 5 female deaths. While it can also affect men, the case counts are drastically higher for women. 

Due to this, women must be more cognizant of the information behind heart disease. 

What are the symptoms of heart disease?   

The symptoms of heart disease can present themselves in a variety of ways. One important thing to realize is, unlike men, women are more likely to experience symptoms not related to chest pain. This can often lead to women mistaking their symptoms to not being heart disease-related. Some women do not experience symptoms at all.  

Here, the Mayo Clinic provides a list of the common symptoms that women experience:

  •  Discomfort in the neck, jaw, shoulder, upper back, or upper belly 
  • Shortness of breath
  • Pain in one or both arms
  • Naseua or vomiting 
  • Sweating 
  • Lightheadedness or dizziness 
  • Unusual fatigue 
  • Heartburn 

If you begin to find yourself experiencing these symptoms, it could be time to get in contact with a healthcare professional. Any symptoms should not be ignored as it could be a sign of something more going on. 

What risk factors can lead to issues with heart disease? 

While heart disease is dangerous enough as it is, there are more risk factors that can come along with it. Heart disease is not necessarily only something for women past the age of 65 to worry about. It can present itself in women younger than that. 

These risk factors are presented as follows: 

  • Diabetes 
  • Emotional stress and depression
  • Smoking
  • Inactivity 
  • Menopause
  • Pregnancy complications
  • Family history of heart disease 
  • Inflammatory diseases 

All-around health is essential to avoid other issues. Pay attention to these issues to ensure that you do not have to also worry about new concerns that could come up. 

How do you treat heart disease? 

The treatment of heart disease is important to understand. While other aspects between men and women can look different, the treatment of heart disease is often the same. This can look like medications, angioplasty, stenting, or coronary bypass surgery. 

How do I prevent and reduce my risk of heart disease? 

It is important to keep tactics in mind for maintaining a healthy heart. Not only will these reduce your risk of heart disease, but also provide you with a healthy day-to-day. 

Here are the most important factors to consider in reducing your risk of heart disease: 

  • Understand and keep track of your blood pressure. 
  • Talk to your doctor about the possible testing of diabetes. 
  • Quit smoking. 
  • Learn more about maintaining healthy cholestoral levels. 
  • Make healthy food choices. 
  • Limit how much alcohol you are consuming in one day. 
  • Find ways to manage stress levels. 

These methods could create a massive change for your health if it is maintained. New habits can be the preventative measures you’ve been looking for. 

Women and heart disease are important relationships to understand. American Heart Month is the perfect time to answer key questions about it. Are you looking for new methods to keep your heart and body healthy on a day-to-day basis? Contact us through our website or give us a call with any questions at (336) 378-1110. 

8 Women’s Health Resolutions for 2022

After a year that’s been difficult in more ways than one, the new year is a good opportunity to reset and refresh. If you want to make some positive changes in your life in 2022, start with these simple health resolutions.

8 Realistic Health Resolutions

Every January, people set New Year’s resolutions with the best intentions and then give up on them in a month or two. A big reason this happens is that the goals are too vague, broad, or lofty. If you’re looking to improve yourself but can’t face another list of unmet goals, try these realistic health resolutions for 2022.

1. Go to Bed Earlier

If you’re like most adults, then you’re not getting the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep each night recommended by the National Sleep Foundation. Depending on your schedule, you might think it’s impossible to get a solid 8 hours each night. But you can get more sleep if you move your bedtime up by just 30 minutes every other week.

2. Drink More Water

If you don’t drink enough water, a realistic goal you can make is to replace at least one other beverage a day with water. That means if you have a soda with lunch each day, then choose water instead. You’ll get more hydration from the water and you will be cutting down on something not-great for your health (even sugar-free soda is harmful).

3. Gradually Increase Physical Activity

Fitness goals are at the top of a lot of people’s list of health resolutions. But if you are starting from a place where you’re pretty sedentary, then there needs to be a step in between sitting at a desk all day and running a 10-minute mile. Resolve to get up and walk around your block a few times a week. Then increase the frequency and lengths of your walks. 

4. Give Your Brain Frequent Breaks

Ok, so this resolution may not seem very realistic for people who feel like every hour of their day is scheduled. But you should give it a try for your mental and physical health. You don’t want to experience burnout. Find something mindless to do for an hour, and don’t try to multitask and get other things done while you do. Set a timer and spend it doing whatever gets things off your mind.

5. Limit Take-Out

This health resolution is good for you physically and financially. If you eat take out more than a couple of times a week, you might be consuming extra calories, fat, and salt. It may also be straining your budget. You don’t need to completely give it up all at once though. Limit it to once a week so you have the treat to look forward to.

6. Include Vegetables and Fruits in Each Meal

Eating better and losing weight is generally at the top of a standard resolution list. But to make it one of your more realistic New Year’s resolutions for 2020, aim to increase your servings of fruits and vegetables. If you’re already conscientious about nutrition, this may seem like a low bar, but if you’re starting from scratch, this is an attainable goal that you can build on.

7. Be Kinder to Yourself 

Make sure you show yourself some love too. That means not beating yourself up when you fail to meet a goal or check something off of your to-do list. If you have an unproductive or otherwise bad day, try not to wallow. Give yourself credit for doing the best you can and try to do better tomorrow.

8. Keep Preventive Care Appointments

If you have questions about pregnancy or are looking for more pregnancy tips, contact your gynecologist. Green Valley OB/GYN has been providing the highest quality of obstetric and gynecological care for over 70 years, offering a comprehensive list of services, including obstetrics and pregnancy care. To set up an appointment or talk about your health, call us at (336) 378-1110 to schedule an appointment.

Postpartum Depression FAQ

If you are thinking about getting pregnant in the future, currently pregnant, or have recently given birth, you may be concerned about the possibility of experiencing postpartum depression. Many people have some idea of what postpartum depression is on a broad scale but do not realize that it involves more than just feeling sad after the baby is born. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists is a fantastic resource for information on postpartum depression, but let’s take a look at some of the most common questions people have about the condition.

What are the Symptoms of Postpartum Depression? 

Many people talk about being emotional after they give birth. These feelings can be natural considering the fluctuating hormones, sleep deprivation, physical discomfort, and new responsibilities that are in play in the postpartum period. But there’s an important distinction between what is referred to as the “baby blues” and postpartum depression.

Many women will experience what is known as the baby blues, which generally begin a few days after the baby is born. Symptoms include feeling depressed, upset, or anxious. Women with the baby blues may have trouble sleeping and eating, cry easily for no clear reason, and have difficulty in making decisions. They may also doubt their ability to care for the new baby. The baby blues will come and go and usually get better after a week or two on their own.

However, postpartum depression is a more serious condition that interferes with a woman’s ability to function during daily life. Intense feelings of anxiety, sadness, despair, and inadequacy plague those who have postpartum depression. Postpartum depression can make caring for yourself and your baby difficult. In some cases, it can also interfere with your ability to bond with your baby.

Postpartum depression will usually occur about one to three weeks after childbirth, but it’s possible for it to occur up to a year after the birth. The length of time someone can suffer from postpartum depression varies widely on an individual basis. This can depend on their access and responsiveness to treatments, lifestyle, and support system.

If you think you may be suffering from postpartum depression, it is important to contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible. The sooner you seek help and begin treatment, the better. 

What Causes Postpartum Depression?

Postpartum depression is most likely caused by a combination of factors. Some factors that can contribute to postpartum depression include:

  • A history of depression before pregnancy
  • Changes in hormones like estrogen and progesterone
  • Fatigue or sleep deprivation
  • Lack of support from others
  • Stressful life events (in addition to the new baby)
  • Emotional factors surrounding the pregnancy

What are the Treatments Available for Postpartum Depression? 

There are a few ways to treat and manage postpartum depression. To determine a treatment plan, work with your doctor and any healthcare professionals they may refer you to. A treatment plan may include one or more of the following: 

  • Antidepressants: If you are suffering from postpartum depression, your doctor will probably recommend taking an antidepressant, at least temporarily. Antidepressants are prescription drugs used to treat chemical imbalances in the brain that affect mood and can cause depression.

Different antidepressants can have side effects that affect people to different degrees. Talk with your doctor about the potential for side effects and weigh them against the potential benefits. Often the positives of helping you function and recover from postpartum depression outweigh the side effects.

If you are nursing and concerned about taking medication that may be passed on to your baby through breastmilk, that’s an important conversation to have with your doctor as well.  

  • Talk therapy: Talk therapy, sometimes referred to as psychotherapy, is another way you can treat postpartum depression. It is often used to supplement an antidepressant. In talk therapy, you will work with a trained professional to talk about your feelings and come up with effective ways to manage them. It is often very useful to talk regularly to an unbiased party who is legally required to keep your conversations confidential. Therapy is a judgment-free zone so you might feel more comfortable talking one-on-one to a therapist than to family or friends. However, sometimes it is useful to have your partner or other family members come to therapy for couples or family therapy sessions.
  • Support groups: Similar to therapy, support groups are useful because they provide you with an outlet to express your feelings without feeling like you might be reprimanded or shamed for doing so. Unlike talk therapy where much of the conversation is between you and a therapist, support groups are helpful because they are made up of people facing similar challenges as you. Knowing you are not alone in the way you feel can often be an important part of overcoming issues like postpartum depression. Your healthcare provider or the hospital where you gave birth can help you find a support group in your area. The Postpartum Support International website is also another helpful resource. 

Can Postpartum Depression Be Prevented?

If someone has a personal history of depression that’s unrelated to pregnancy, they are at higher risk for postpartum depression. Therefore, patients who have struggled with clinical depression previously should disclose this to their doctor from the beginning, preferably before they start trying to get pregnant. If the individual is currently taking medication for depression, they should discuss whether it is safe to continue on it during pregnancy. And if not, give guidelines to titrate off the medication and help with an alternative plan. In some of these cases, doctors will recommend starting antidepressants after the child is born as a precaution.

 If you have concerns about postpartum depression, the team at Green Valley OB/GYN can help. Our board-certified physicians have a combined 200 years of experience. With expertise in managing both high and low-risk pregnancies, we will work to give you the best possible care before, during, and after childbirth. We can provide advice, recommendations, and other resources to help with postpartum depression and other concerns. To schedule an appointment, call 336-378-1110. You can also access our patient portal to manage appointments and access other health information.

Am I a Good Candidate for Gynecological da Vinci Surgery?

As medical science and technology progress, it seems like there’s always some new procedure that promises miraculous results. And it is true, over the years, there have been leaps and bounds in our ability to better treat patients with procedures that are more effective, less painful, and require less recovery time. One type of procedure that has become an important part of gynecological medicine over the years is da Vinci surgery.

What is da Vinci Surgery?

Da Vinci the name for a robotic-assisted surgical system. It is important to note that it is robotically assisted, meaning that the doctor is in control of the surgery at all times. During surgery using the da Vinci system, the surgeon uses a console that is next to you and performs the surgery with tiny surgical instruments. When the surgeon moves their hands, the system responds with precision in real time with the instruments. The system includes a camera that provides 3D magnified images of internal views of the body. The da Vinci system is the most advanced and least invasive gynecological surgery method available today.

So, in reality, a robot is not operating on you, the machine is simply giving the surgeon greater control and precision. This means the surgery can be less invasive, with smaller incisions. Sometimes a da Vinci System can be used to perform a single-site procedure, using a small incision in the belly button. This type of procedure is for non-cancerous conditions.

What are some benefits of da Vinci surgery?

The benefits of da Vinci surgery all stem from the fact that it is less invasive and requires fewer and smaller incisions. These factors lead to the benefits of:

  • Fewer complications like excessive blood loss and need for transfusions
  • Less risk of infection
  • Much less pain during healing.Shorter hospital stays
  • Quicker recovery times so you can return to your normal routine sooner
  • Smaller and fewer incisions mean less scarring

What gynecological procedures can be performed with da Vinci?

The most common procedure gynecological patients use the da Vinci System for is the hysterectomy.

If you are curious if you’re a candidate for da Vinci surgery, you are probably well aware of what a hysterectomy entails. But, if you are not familiar with what a hysterectomy is, it is a procedure to surgically remove the uterus. The reasons a woman might get a hysterectomy are varied.

The da Vinci robotic-assistance system may also be used for other gynecological procedures such as:

  • Hysterectomies for benign conditions
  • Hysterectomies for cancer
  • Endometriosis resection
  • Myomectomy: This is also known as a fibroidectomy, and is the surgical removal of uterine fibroids. In this procedure, the uterus is left intact.
  • Pelvic organ prolapse surgery: procedures to repair the prolapse of pelvic organs (like the bladder, uterus and rectum) which can press against the vagina. These procedures can be either reconstructive or obliterative.

What makes someone a good candidate for gynecological da Vinci surgery?

With all the benefits of da Vinci gynecological surgery, you might be wondering if you are a good candidate for this type of procedure. Of course, when you know you need gynecological surgery, you should talk with your doctor about which kind of procedure is right for you. But, there are some things that might make da Vinci surgery a good option for you.

  • You require or strongly desire a quick recovery time. This is often especially important for women who need to return to work or a caregiving role. Honestly, not many people have the kind of lifestyle that would accommodate an extended recovery period. But for some women, the need to be up and around quickly is far more urgent.
  • Minimal scarring is very important to you.
  • If you are not a candidate for a vaginal hysterectomy, which is often least invasive, because of an enlarged uterus or large fibroids.
    • If you are not a candidate for certain kinds of hysterectomies it’s important to have discussions about why that is the case and what method will be safest for you in general, not just limited to da Vinci procedures.
  • You tolerate anesthesia well and do not have a personal or family history of negative reactions to general anesthesia. Robotic-assisted surgeries like da Vinci procedures sometimes take a bit longer than other types of surgery, so you may be under anesthesia longer. If this is a concern, speak specifically about this with your physician.
  • You have a doctor who is familiar and experienced with the da Vinci system and qualified to perform your surgery using the system. The interface can be complicated even for surgeons experienced in other methods. So, it is important to have a trusted surgeon experienced with da Vinci.

If you have questions about a possible gynecological surgery in your future and whether da Vinci is the right method for you, the physicians at Green Valley OB/GYN are here to work with you. We have extensive experience with a variety of gynecological issues and work with patients to ensure they get the best care possible. Call us at (336) 378-1110 to make an appointment Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.